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Giving 奉獻

Giving 奉獻

There are several ways you can give to the Lord and the ministries at CGC: 請考慮通過以下方式支持我們的事工:
  1. Checks can be made out to "St. Louis Chinese Gospel Church" and mailed or dropped off to 515 Meramec Station Road, Manchester, MO 63021, ATTN: Jun Urcia
    請郵寄支票(抬頭“St Louis Chinese Gospel Church”)到教會(地址:515 Meramec Station Road, Manchester, MO 63021)。信封上請注明轉交司庫Jun Urcia。
  2. You can give through setting up online bill pay to send electronic checks from your bank.
    使用銀行的線上帳單支付(online bill pay)。
  3. You can use Zelle to transfer money online. To send money with Zelle, sign in to your bank's mobile banking app or online banking website, and select the Zelle option in the navigation menu. From there you can send your offering to offering@stlcgc.org. 您可以使用Zelle進行線上轉帳. 若要使用 Zelle 匯款, 請登入銀行的手机應用程式或網站, 然後在導覽功能表中選擇 Zelle 選項. 從那裡您可以將您的奉献送至offering@stlcgc.org.
  4. You can use PayPal to transfer money online. 透過Paypal,線上奉獻
    1. * Please note that as Paypal will charge a fee of 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction to our church, so the preferred methods of donations are checks and bill pay. 請注意,因為PayPal會收取每筆交易額的2.2%及0.30美元的費用,所以教會寧願接受支票或利用線上直接轉帳方式的奉獻。 
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