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Families 家庭

D6:5 Fellowship 年青夫婦團
Every other Saturday, 4pm 每月第二和第四個星期六,早上4
D6:5 (based on Deuteronomy 6:5-9) is a fellowship that includes families who desire to love God and love others.  We meet at 4pm at church, every other week for Bible study, prayer and fellowship.  Children wander in and out, but that doesn't stop us from a great time of discussion!  Childcare is provided.  Please contact Beverly Lam for more information.
D6:5是由愛慕神和渴慕在信仰上成長的家庭所組成。我們隔週六早上3在教堂查經和禱告,然後享有一家一菜的午餐。我們有一些嬰孩和幼兒,但無阻我們享受有趣的討論!我們提供看顧小孩服務。欲知詳情請聯絡Beverly Lam
Friendship Fellowship 友誼團契
Fridays, 6:30pm 星期五晚上6:30
The Friendship Fellowship is composed of Mandarin-speaking Christians and friends from mainland China, Taiwan, US, and Hong Kong. Every Friday night, our weekly gathering starts with a potluck dinner followed by a meeting, which includes music, prayer, and Bible study. Our goal is that through regular fellowship, members and friends can know and care for each other better, know the Truth and experience spiritual growth, glorify the one true God in our daily lives, and share the Gospel with others. Please contact Haiyang Xu for more information.
Family Builders 家庭建造團契
1st and 3rd Saturdays, 7pm 每月第二和第四個星期六,晚上7點
Family Builders is a fellowship for families. We meet twice a month for relevant Bible study and discussion about how to raise up our families in Christ. Afterward, we enjoy fellowship over dessert.  Please contact Michelle Cheung for more information.
家庭建造團契是為家庭而設的團契。我們每月聚會兩次,查考相關的經文和討論如何在基督裡建立家庭,並且在聚會後交誼和享用甜點。欲知詳情請聯絡Michelle Cheung
Cantonese Fellowship 粵語團契
2nd and 4th Saturdays, 10am 每月第二和第四個星期六,早上10點
The Cantonese Fellowship meets every twice a month at church for Bible study with discussion and other activities, including picnics/outings, testimonial movies, singspiration, special holiday programs, etc.  Fellowship luncheon usually follows at a local restaurant.  Please contact Abel Cheng for more information.
English Prayer & Bible Study 英文禱告會和查經
Wednesdays, 7:30pm 逢星期三,晚上7:30
We are a group that loves God and wants to shine for Him!  We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:30-8:30pm at church.  The first Wednesday of every month, we join the church-wide prayer meeting.  We love studying the Bible together and praying, and we also enjoy traveling and have fun. We would love to extend our invitation to anyone to join us. Please contact Ann Hong for more information.
我們愛慕神並且希望能為祂發光!我們逢星期三晚上7:30-8:30在教堂聚會,並且在每月第一個星期三參加全教會禱告會。我們熱愛一起查經和禱告,以及旅行和遊玩。歡迎大家都加入我們。欲知詳情請聯絡Ann Hong
Heritage Builders 基督教傳統建造團契
Fridays, 7:30pm 逢星期五,晚上7:30
Our Friday evening Bible Study meets weekly to study God's Word and spend time praying for each other and the church.  Please contact Ed Wang for more information.
我們在每週五晚的查經聚會上研讀神的話語以及為彼此和教會禱告。欲知詳情請聯絡Ed Wang。
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