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Our Vision 我們的異象

Our Vision 我們的異象

Our vision is to be a body of believers who are genuinely and actively following Christ Jesus in unity and love, letting our light shine in our church, community and the world. 我們的異象是要真摯積極地跟隨基督耶穌,成爲一群合一和關愛的信徒,並讓我們的光照亮于教會、社區、及至世界。
  • Genuinely and actively following Christ Jesus 真摯積極地跟隨基督耶穌
    We will earnestly seek after Christ and reflect Him in our lives on a daily basis (Phil 3:10-11, 2 Pet. 1:3-8). We will live out our faith in action (James 2:14-17) by modeling Christ-like behavior (Gal. 5:22-23, Phil. 2:5-8) and by exercising our spiritual gifts for the church and His Kingdom (Eph. 4:11-13). 我們要懇切地追隨基督並反映祂在每天的生活中(腓3:10-11,彼後1:3-8)。我們要以基督作榜樣(加5:22-23,腓2:5-8),並通過操練我們的屬靈恩賜,建立教會和祂的國度(弗4:11-13),將信仰付諸於行動(雅2:14-17)。
  • In unity and love 合一和關愛
    As a multi-generational, multi-lingual body of believers, we will keep the spirit of unity in our church (Eph. 4:1-6), truly bearing one another in love (Col. 3:12-14), and being one in spirit and purpose (Phil. 2:2-3). 作爲一群不同年代、多語言的信徒,我們要保持教會屬靈的合一(弗4:1-6),用愛心互相寬容(西3:12-14),有一樣的心思,有一樣的意念(腓2:2-3)。
  • Letting our light shine 讓我們的光照亮
    We will walk as children of light (Mt. 5:14-16, Eph. 4:8-10) in our church and community (1Pet. 2:12) by being a reflection of God’s holiness, wisdom, truth, love, grace and mercy (1 Pet. 1:14-16, Eph. 5:15, 1Jn. 2:8-11). We will make disciples of Christ Jesus through evangelism, outreach ministries, and an active missions program (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 13:47). 我們行事爲人要如同光明之子(太5:14-16,弗4:8-10),在教會和社會中(彼前2:12)反映神的聖潔、智慧、真實、仁愛、恩惠和憐憫(彼前1:14-16,弗5:15,約一2:8-11)。我們要我們要通過福音傳播,外展事工及宣教規劃,來帶領人成爲基督耶穌的門徒(太28:18-20,徒13:47)。

Our Mission 我們的使命

Our purpose is to bring honor and glory to God, to bring people to God and to equip them to serve God. 我們的目標是把尊貴和榮耀歸給神﹑把人帶到神面前並且裝備他們服侍神。

Our mission is to achieve our purpose within the St. Louis Chinese community and beyond through: 我們的使命是在聖路易社區及至更廣的地方通過以下各方面去實現我們的目標:
  • The obedient and holy worship of God which brings individual and congregational adoration toward God  順服和敬拜我們的神以便把個人和會衆的渴慕之情帶到神面前
  • The fervent and persistent prayers according to the will of God which bring forth God's almighty power and blessings in all that we do 恆切地憑神旨意禱告祈求,務求在我們所做的一切事情上體驗神的大能和祝福
  • The proclamation of the Gospel to non-believers which brings conviction by the Holy Spirit to accept Christ as their personal Savior 向非信徒傳福音,讓聖靈感動他們接受耶穌基督作他們的個人救主
  • The teaching of the whole counsel of God as found in the Holy Scriptures which brings growth of the body of Christ in both maturity and number 毫無遺漏地教導整本聖經,使基督的身體更成熟長進
  • Mutual exhortation and fellowship which brings a unified and disciplined body where God's living presence may be seen and experienced 互相勉勵交誼,建立合一和節制的身體以彰顯和經歷永生神的同在
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