1st Saturdays, 10am 每月第一個星期六,早上10點
The Senior Fellowship meets at the Crown Center for Senior Living on the first Saturday morning of each month. It consists of mainly Cantonese-speaking retired folks from our church, other Chinese churches and others not attending churches, with an age span from 60 to 95. There have been more Mandarin and English speaking folks joining us recently. The meeting starts out by welcoming visitors, singing hymns, and prayer, which are followed by testimony, short devotion, games, lunch and birthday celebrations. Once a year, we arrange a joint outdoor activity with the Cantonese Fellowship (CF). We also give special donations to support missions. There are real opportunities for outreach in this ministry.
廣東話長者團契每月第一個星期六在Crown Center長者公寓舉行,參與者主要為本教會﹑其他教會和沒有參加教會的粵語退休人士,年齡介乎60至95歲,而最近亦有國語和英語長者參加。聚會節目包括迎賓﹑唱詩和禱告,然後是見證﹑短講﹑遊戲﹑午餐和慶祝生日。我們每年一次與粵語團契一同舉行戶外活動,並且收集奉獻以支持宣教士。